Arthur Rump

Requirements for an Automated Assessment Tool for Learning Programming by Doing

Conference paper for ICST 2025

Assessment of open-ended assignments such as programming projects is a complex and time-consuming task. When students learn to program, however, they benefit from receiving timely feedback, which requires an assessment of their current work. Our goal is to build a tool that assists in this process by partially automating the …


A Meta Perspective on a Refined Model of Ill-definedness

Last week my co-author Vadim Zaytsev presented our paper A Refined Model of Ill-definedness in Project-Based Learning at the Educators Symposium of MODELS 2022. Go read that paper first, or this won’t make much sense. In this post I try to answer a question we got afterwards.

If you …


A Refined Model of Ill-definedness in Project-Based Learning

Conference paper for the Educators Symposium at MODELS 2022

Project-based courses are crucial to gain practically relevant knowledge in modelling and programming education. However, they fall into the “ill-defined” domain: there are many possible solutions; the quality of a deliverable is subjective and not formally assessable; reaching the goals means designing new artefacts and analysing new information; and the …


Atelier – Tutor Moderated Comments in Programming Education

Poster for EC-TEL 2021

In the programming course of our engineering design degree tutorials are the focal point of learning. This is especially so since we employ a tinkering based educational approach, in which students explore, from the very beginning, the material by self-defined projects. The assignment defines ingredients to use and sets expectations …


Automated Assessment of Learning Objectives in Programming Assignments

Conference paper for ITS 2021

Individual feedback is a core ingredient of a personalised learning path. However, it also is time-intensive and, as a teaching form, it is not easily scalable. In order to make individual feedback realisable for larger groups of students, we develop tool support for teaching assistants to use in the process …


Atelier: An Online Platform for Programming Tutorials

Poster for CSERC 2020

The aim of the Atelier project is to develop an online platform that creates an atelier-like setting that emphasises collaboration and sharing of ideas. It is built for the Community of Practice of students, student assistants, and lecturers involved in teaching programming in Processing in the first year of the …


Automated Assessment of Learning Objectives in Programming Assignments

Bachelor Thesis

With online forms of education, it has become harder to ‘gauge the room’ and get an impression of how well students are following along. We introduce Apollo, a tool that automatically analyses code uploaded by students to get an overview of their progression towards the learning objectives of the course …


Git-based versioning using FAKE

How to use FAKE to automatically set version numbers based on your Git history.

For Fake.StaticGen, I wanted to have a semi-automated way of determining the version number for each release. Inspired by Nerdbank.GitVersioning, I liked the idea of having a unique version for every commit, but I …


Bringing clarity to versions of .NET

.NET Core versioning is a mess. There are lots and lots and lots of version numbers, from runtime to SDK, from Visual Studio to languages and of course .NET Standard. So what SDK corresponds to which runtime again? I know there some sort of a system, but it differs per …



To display version information about .NET Core on, I had to decode the releases.json files in the dotnet/core repo. Not a big problem, you’d think. These are just JSON files, how hard can it be? That’s fair, but the schema, nor the data of …