Arthur Rump

With Vadim Zaytsev


Requirements for an Automated Assessment Tool for Learning Programming by Doing

Conference paper for ICST 2025

Assessment of open-ended assignments such as programming projects is a complex and time-consuming task. When students learn to program, however, they benefit from receiving timely feedback, which requires an assessment of their current work. Our goal is to build a tool that assists in this process by partially automating the …


A Refined Model of Ill-definedness in Project-Based Learning

Conference paper for the Educators Symposium at MODELS 2022

Project-based courses are crucial to gain practically relevant knowledge in modelling and programming education. However, they fall into the “ill-defined” domain: there are many possible solutions; the quality of a deliverable is subjective and not formally assessable; reaching the goals means designing new artefacts and analysing new information; and the …